

Coal power projects accelerate after COVID-19 lockdown: A New Coal Boom in China

This briefing “A New Coal Boom in China” shows that the slowing down of new coal plant developments in China has come to an end. The Chinese coal industry has been steadily increasing its plans for new coal plants, since the government started relaxing restrictions on coal developments in 2019. Now, the capacity under development is larger than the entire coal fleets of countries such as the USA or India.

Impact of COVID-19 led lockdown on Air Pollution Levels in Bengaluru

The report “Impact of COVID-19 led lockdown on Air Pollution Levels in Bengaluru” analyses the local air quality data from 26 locations in Bengaluru, India and looks at local sources of pollution to understand variations and linkages in pollution levels and sources of pollution before and during the COVID-19 led lockdown.

Air Quality and Health Impacts of the Proposed EMBA Hunutlu Coal Power Project

Four new coal plant projects are planned in the Iskenderun Bay area, with the EMBA Hunutlu project being the closest to coming into existence. This 2 x 660 MW coal plant in Turkey, combined with the prevailing power plants, will put thousands of people at risk of breathing polluted air. The brief “Air Quality and Health Impacts of the Proposed EMBA Hunutlu Coal Power Project” evaluates many more health impacts of this project.

Air quality, health and toxics impacts of the proposed coal mining and power cluster in Thar, Pakistan

A cluster of coal mines and power plants is proposed in the Thar region of Pakistan which will host 9 power plants with a total capacity of 3,700 megawatts (660 megawatt out of which has already been commissioned) and lignite coal mines. The report “Air quality, health and toxics impacts of the proposed coal mining and power cluster in Thar, Pakistan” assesses the impacts of these power plants and coal mines on air quality and public health.

Air quality, health and toxics impacts of the proposed coal power cluster in Payra, Bangladesh

A massive cluster of coal-fired power plants, with a total of 8 power plants and a total capacity of 9.8 gigawatts is being proposed in Payra, Bangladesh, making it the second-largest in South Asia and fourth-largest in the world. The report “Air quality, health and toxics impacts of the proposed coal power cluster in Payra, Bangladesh” assesses the impacts of these power plants on air quality, public health and fisheries.

How air pollution worsens the COVID-19 pandemic

Past and current air pollution exposure around the world is worsening the unfolding COVID-19 epidemic. Millions of people were already suffering from chronic diseases and …

Boom and Bust 2020: Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline

The global coal fleet grew by 34 gigawatts in 2019. However, for the fourth consecutive year, the number of new coal power developments decreased in 2019. More information on this topic in the report “Boom and Bust 2020: Tracking The Global Coal Plant Pipeline”, which was prepared in collaboration with three other organizations.

Air quality, toxic and health impacts of the Turow power plant

The report “Air quality, toxic and health impacts of the Turow power plant” analyzes the air pollutant emissions of the Turow power plant and the lignite mine.

Quantifying the Economic Costs of Air Pollution from Fossil Fuels

This paper is the first to assess the global economic burden caused by air pollution from fossil fuels. It incorporates many recent first-of-a-kind findings, including the first study to assess the contribution of fossil fuels to global air pollution levels and health impacts, as well as novel research on the burden of asthma and diabetes linked to air pollution.

Air Pollution in China 2019

CREA analysis of China’s air pollution trends, progress and setbacks in 2019. We found the Beijing and Shanghai regions have seen big improvements in air quality this winter as air pollution levels dropped ahead of targets.