Erkki Perälä is Program Lead at Demos Helsinki, a globally operating, independent think tank based in Finland. He is currently in charge of coordinating Demos Helsinki’s efforts in the NetZeroCities consortium that supports the EU’s Mission of 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. Erkki has a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Helsinki.

Tuuli Kaskinen is CEO of Climate Leadership Coalition. She has developed 1,5 strategies with corporations and has been actively shaping climate policies for 20 years. Prior to CLC, Kaskinen worked at think tank Demos Helsinki in several positions, including chief executive. In addition to her duties at CLC, Kaskinen is vice chair of the board at University of Turku and technology construction company Fira.

Simo Kyllönen is a University Lecturer in Theoretical Philosophy and a Doctor of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Before working in academia, Simo was an experienced researcher. He has written papers focussing on the ethics of climate change.